After a full day of training at Real University, I am proud to be on the E Team for Real Living! It has been an interesting day full of lots of very techie stuff that is just too yawn worthy to post. I must be turning into a geek because I LOVED it!
It should be up and running soon. It will be a great resource for a simple place to turn to when you just want the advertising etc. We are learning about the younger generation and how to stay in touch without invading their space which means texting, texting, texting! What a funny world we live in, but I have to admit I do check my facebook twice a day!
Will post our link to our new search page as soon as we are "live"!
Take care, Susan
A place where you can get up to the minute info regarding homes for sale in Hilliard, Dublin, Upper Arlington, and Columbus.If you think you are going to relocate to Columbus, we can help you! We are affiliated with the most advanced brokerage in Columbus! Coldwell Banker is our new "home". We have the edge on when it comes time to sell your home in Hilliard, Dublin, Worthington, and Upper Arlington. Call: 614-850-4663 or text us at 614-572-5775
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Why Are You Seeing So Many Photos on Listings Online?

In order to keep your listings fresh and at the top of the search engines, an agent should keep at least 18 photos online to keep it at the top. If you have one or two photos, you are automatically at the bottom of the "optimization chain". has been a big influence on this as they keep those with 25 or more photos at the top. This is a very hard thing to do on some listings. We are quite prolific photographers in our group. We take photos of flowers at the entry, a detailed photo of a crystal door knob in Clintonville, anything that will make a person stop and take a look.
Marketing has taken on a new sense of urgency. Life seems to be in fast forward for the real estate industry. Hopefully, while perusing our photos, buyers will slow down and look at the details.
Take care, Susan
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Round Table Closings a Thing of the Past?
(Have to have some fun with this, don't we? No hampsters were harmed in the making of this blog!)
Yes, that is true! As of January 1st, 2010, you will no longer sit around a table chatting with the seller of your new home exchanging pleasantries. Your seller and buyer will be driving separately and going at two different times. I am sure going to miss it. I love it when everyone has a great closing and are going to keep in touch. Sometimes, you get little bonus gifts such as " do you want the patio furniture on the deck?". Sometimes, there are good things to know such as if you see the light go off in the bathroom, it is on a heat sensor, so don't worry! Little things can mean a lot over a cup of coffee!
Now, with all the changes, the contracts will read that the home must close in escrow. Challenging is putting it mildly. Luckily, we have an office manager who is used to this from her past experience in Cleveland. I think we will get through it with a few learning curves. One of the hardest things will be closing on what is known as a "domino closing" where multiple closings must happen before you gain possession. I am all ready worried about this. I will keep you posted as we learn more! Our Angela will keep us all in line!
Take care, Susan
Monday, September 14, 2009
We Have a New Assistant!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Countdown Continues! Stop by Our Office!

We have an agent on duty to answer your questions regarding the $8000 tax credit!
Would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee and see what is available for you.
Don't forget that the end date that is guaranteed is December 1, 2009 for the $8000 tax credit for first time home buyers. It must be closed and delivered! There are a lot of good things about this program that were not clear. If you haven't owned a home in 3 years, you are still considered a first time home buyer. Call us and have a chat if you want to know the details! But first and foremost, don't miss out!
Take care, Susan
Friday, September 4, 2009
OK...the Dust has Settled....

I don't know about you, but every year, it seems to get more complicated with school. Last night, we were introduced to Moodle last evening at Parent's Night. A whole new outlet for online activities to learn! After getting kids off to school for the first full week, the phones are starting to ring again!
Happy back to school to you all whether it is that painful drop off at preschool, home schooling, or off to college!
Take care, Susan
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Increase in a very long time....
Good news for HOME SELLERS! We aren't out of the woods yet, however, we are seeing an uptick in home prices for which we are thankful! An enthusiastic response to the $8,000 first time home buyer tax credit helped. We hope they will continue it to sustain this little breath of fresh air!
Happy school days!
Take care, Susan
Happy school days!
Take care, Susan
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