(Have to have some fun with this, don't we? No hampsters were harmed in the making of this blog!)
Yes, that is true! As of January 1st, 2010, you will no longer sit around a table chatting with the seller of your new home exchanging pleasantries. Your seller and buyer will be driving separately and going at two different times. I am sure going to miss it. I love it when everyone has a great closing and are going to keep in touch. Sometimes, you get little bonus gifts such as " do you want the patio furniture on the deck?". Sometimes, there are good things to know such as if you see the light go off in the bathroom, it is on a heat sensor, so don't worry! Little things can mean a lot over a cup of coffee!
Now, with all the changes, the contracts will read that the home must close in escrow. Challenging is putting it mildly. Luckily, we have an office manager who is used to this from her past experience in Cleveland. I think we will get through it with a few learning curves. One of the hardest things will be closing on what is known as a "domino closing" where multiple closings must happen before you gain possession. I am all ready worried about this. I will keep you posted as we learn more! Our Angela will keep us all in line!
Take care, Susan
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