OK, so the post office usually makes me think about all the red tape and hurdles that makes me think: is it all worth it? Well, Angela got everything ready today for our big calendar mailing and we make the trek across town to the Post office near the airport.
That is where we met Gina and Joan!
They were the nicest and friendliest post office employees we have met. Seriously, when you are bundling up hundreds of calendars according to zip codes and placing green 3's or red fives on the front of the envelopes, it takes a little bit of help! OK, a LOT of help. They helped us with the proper paperwork, filling the forms out for the bags & stickers for the front of our envelopes. They even helped us get a form to help with the labels being placed in the wrong place on our envelopes. Who knew?
But, wait, it gets better! They fed us pizza, pop and topped it off with a cookie! They were celebrating 6 months of collecting quarters from fellow employees, clients and anyone who might be heard uttering a 4 letter word. The collected $300! Yes, you heard it right, $300. They first gave $150 to help 3 Franklin County Childrens Services kids, and donated to one other cause. Then, they bought pizza, pop and cookies to help make a brighter day for everyone!
Thank you all for the kindness of spirit you showed today! We could all learn a bit from the hard work and help that Gina and Joan showed us today.
Take care, Susan
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