I just heard about an unfortunate situation once again about another family going through a foreclosure. There is another option that might work out much better for your family, the bank & the economy as a whole. It takes a lot of money to go through the foreclosure process for the bank. Attorneys, non-payment of piti to the bank, evictions, clean up and the list goes on. Unfortunately, this has become a familiar scenario in many of the Columbus markets.
Short sales have become a part of our business plan for sellers in this situation. We help you negotiate with the bank and it becomes a win win for everyone. We have had success with negotiating with the banks and there seems to be a more organized process on their end. At the beginning, there were few rules and the waiting was horrible. Now, the time frames are improved and they are moving much more smoothly.
Give us a ring if you have and questions! Don't wait until it is too late.
Take care, Susan
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